Interview with SRF 1 in the science magazine on «Climate regulation in cities»
In an interview with the science magazine of SRF1 radio, Dunja Kovari discussed the urban climate and the vital role of trees and green spaces in regulating climate in urban areas, as part of a scientific report on the latest EAWAG study.
Large-crowned trees make a significant contribution to enhancing the urban climate, and it is particularly important to promote their growth. However, the planting of new trees faces major challenges, including competing demands for space, planning regulations, and funding constraints.
It can take years, and sometimes decades, for a tree to attain a sufficient size to begin exerting a heat-reducing effect. Consequently, the protection and maintenance of existing trees must become an even higher priority. In the city of Zurich, for instance, crown density continues to decline. This is a trend that must be addressed and reversed in light of increasing urban heat.