«Urban Revival: Green Recovery After the Crisis» - Towards resilient and sustainable cities after the crisis
The COP28 panel titled «Urban Revival: Green Recovery After Crisis» addressed the theme of urban recovery following crises. Dunja Kovari participated alongside Naomi Hoogervorst from UN-Habitat and Read Gasimov from Baku in this discussion, emphasizing how climate action can serve as a catalyst for post-crisis urban recovery Green reconstruction offers a unique opportunity not only to rebuild cities but also to enhance their resilience and sustainability. Measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation possess transformative potential, enabling the creation of greener and more sustainable urban environments. By integrating ecological and nature-based solutions into the reconstruction process, we can achieve long-term environmental and social benefits.
Key approaches:
✅ Promote blue and green networks to establish a robust and immediately visible framework, thereby enhancing natural characteristics.
✅ Reevaluate the approach to reconstruction, ensuring that the built environment integrates seamlessly with the existing landscape.
✅ Implement nature-based solutions at all levels, from landscape design to streetscapes and buildings.
✅ Emphasize the development of livable neighborhoods that incorporate green and social infrastructure, along with a contextual approach to urban design and architecture.
✅ Foster collaboration across sectors and leverage existing synergies to achieve tangible and sustainable implementation outcomes.
Green rebuilding can not only repair damage, but also create sustainable and climate-resilient cities that are better prepared for future challenges.