Porta del Ticino - Urban Living Lab, Bellinzona
![Karlsruhe High-Rise Concept [GER]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/19269/Screen-Shot-2021-01-26-at-11.12.06_2021-01-26-110708_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Karlsruhe High-Rise Concept [GER]

Publication «12 Steps to a City of People»

Urban climate adaptation Rheinfelden
Circular economy requirements for spatial development
On the way to net zero

Masterplan Riverside Böttstein

Alp Quarter Masterplan

Riverside Böttstein
![Karlsruhe High-Rise Concept [GER]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/19232/sapartners-Thomas-Kovari-Dunja-Kovari-urban-design-planning-staedtebau-planung_Karlsruhe_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Karlsruhe High-Rise Concept [GER]

Rheinfelden Strategic Masterplan

Spatial Development Vision Volken

Eco Transportation Hub Uznach
![Eco-Masterplan Qatar [QAT]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/31843/sapartners-Thomas-Kovari-Dunja-Kovari-urban-design-planning-Raumplanung-Hoehenentwicklung-high-rise-concept-Khor_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Eco-Masterplan Qatar [QAT]

The Circle at Zurich Airport

Publication for a good urban climate
![Masterplan Krasnoyarsk [RU]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/27790/211214_Krasnoyarsk_sapartners-thomas-kovari-dunja-kovari-staedtebau-urbandesign-urbanplanning-livablecity_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Masterplan Krasnoyarsk [RU]
Participation processes for large-scale projects
Expert support for deep geological repository
The impact of local heroes
Network-based organizational models
Quick-wins for a good urban climate
Optimization process for administrations
Sa_partners and PlanSalon
Changing space and society

Winterthur High-Rise Concept

Manual for a good urban climate

Urban Innovations for progressive provinces

Neighbourhood 7 St Petersburg
Opportunities of digital transformation
Rural areas in focus

Masterplan The Circle at Zurich Airport
The importance of new lifestyles and models
Housing of tomorrow
Involvement with hybrid participation
New processes of active participation
![Standards for Development of the Urban Territory [RU]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/5244/218_sa_partners_Thomas_Kovari_Dunja_Kovari_Stadtplanung_urban-planning_Städtebau_urban-design_moscow_benchmark_process_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Standards for Development of the Urban Territory [RU]

Pilot projects as Urban Living Labs

Holocracy in Regional Development

Spatial Development Model for Merged Municipality
Megatrends Zukunftswerkstatt
Fit for the future

Future-oriented mobility strategy

Transformation City Region Lucerne

Lausanne - Site Development Railway Areas

Spa Zone Bad Zurzach

City Square Yverdon-les-Bains

Masterplan Winterthur Wülflingen

Aargau Region High-Rise Development

Circular economy and spatial planning

Village centers and inner cities in transition

Innovation Management at Swiss Innovation Park

Town Center Uznach

Sargans Strategic Masterplan - 1st prize

Toolbox for sucessfull densification

Grand Project Geneva

Development Strategy Basel-Landschaft

Regional Development Strategy of Baden Area

Transformation Praille-Acacias-Vernets (PAV) Lancy

Development Cornavin Geneva

Vision of the Region Bad Zurzach
![Future Vision for the Rhine Ports [CH, DE, F]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/26126/208.02-sapartners_Thomas-Kovari_Dunja-Kovari_Rheinhafen-Basel_Transformation-Hafengebiet_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Future Vision for the Rhine Ports [CH, DE, F]

Implementation Landscape Park Limmat Valley

Town Center Masterplan Uznach

ETH Zurich Science City - 1st prize
Young ideas for a liveable city
Youth parliament builds the future
![Postareal Central Station Karlsruhe [DE]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/14851/sapartners-sa_p-Thomas-Kovari-Dunja-Kovari_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Postareal Central Station Karlsruhe [DE]
![Campus Development TU Irkutsk [RUS]](https://sapartners.ch/imager/postimage/36423/sa_partners_Thomas_Kovari_Dunja_Kovari_Stadtplanung_urban-planning_Städtebau_urban-design_Campus_Design_Irkutsk_92692c061d05ff3a69c2df6b7dd599c6.jpg)
Campus Development TU Irkutsk [RUS]

Expertise Sponge City

Retail in Transformation - New approaches for action for city centres

Future-oriented mobility strategy for mid-sized regional centres

Holacracy in regional development - Network-based strategies for periferic regions

Urban Living Lab Bellinzona – Masterplan for a vibrant district in transformation

Transformation of Uznach Station Area - Framework for a liveable central district

St. Petersburg “Neighboorhood 7" – Mixed-use masterplan for a new city district

Revitalization Bad Zurzach – New future for a iconic health resort and historic centre

The Circle at Zurich Airport – Masterplan for a new Airport City

From SBB’s industrial area to Ticino’s City Gate – Porta del Ticino: Urban Living Lab Bellinzona

Publication «12 Rules for a good urban climate», 2020

Porta del Ticino – Climate resilient and net-zero City District in Bellinzona

Climate adapted urban design strategy for the City of Rheinfelden

1. Prize International Competion -Urban Living Lab, Bellinzona

Transformation Oberi Au Klingnau

Höhenentwicklungskonzept Stadt Winterthur – Qualitative Entwicklung in der dritten Dimension

Räumliches Entwicklungsleitbild für gemeinsame Zukunftsperspektiven in der Fusionsgemeinde Zurzach

Junge Ideen für die lebenswerte Stadt - Jugendparlament Muri gestaltet Zukunft

Prozessdesign Nachnutzung Schloss Aarburg - Konzept für eine umfassende Partizipation

Netzwerkbasierte, integrale Entwicklungsstrategie für das Zürcher Weinland

Stakeholdermanagement und Prozessdesign zur Überarbeitung des Rheinuferschutzdekrets

Partizipation bei Grossvorhaben - Fachbegleitung Standortregion für das geologische Tiefenlager

Quick-wins für ein gutes Stadtklima – Optimierungsprozess für die Verwaltung des Kantons Aargau

Erkenntnisbericht zur Valorisieren der Modellvorhaben des Bundes

Wissensbasierte Visualisierung auf Basis des kantonalen Nutzungsplans zum Schutz der Rheinuferlandschaft